Thursday, July 2, 2009

Nice Planning for Gold Coins

With the global economic environment growing more and more uncertain, gold has become #1 alternatives to investing money, planning pension, and passive investment.

Gold is the purest form of money, most durable wealth-preserving asset on the planet. Gold cann't be devaluated by any goverrnments. There's no debts to gold,no board of directors, no politicians or central bankers that can mess with its value. So we can said that gold is an unlimitted asset.

It's the gold coins that entirely known as good investment. Gold coins is a coin made mostly or entirely of gold. Gold has been used for coin practically since the invention of coinage (found by Egyptian Pharaohs around 2,700 BC), originally because of gold's intrinsic value. That’s why gold coins has survived in every economy history.

as inform to you by goldcoinsgain at

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cari Duit di Kumpul Blogger

Berburu uang lewat internet saat ini menjadi sebuah fenomena tersendiri. Banyak sekali program yang ditawarkan seperti Pay per Click, Pay per Review, Pay per survey dan lain lain. Salah satu program pay per click local adalah KumpulBlogger.

Apa itu KumpulBlogger?

KumpulBlogger adalah Jaringan Blogger Indonesia untuk mendapatkan alternatif penghasilan tambahan, dengan cara menyediakan spot/ruangan pada blognya sebagai tempat menyampaikan pesan komersial dari Advertiser .
Beriklan melalui Jaringan sama saja dengan beriklan melalui beberapa Blog.

Bagaimana cara kerjanya?

Anda akan dibayar untuk tiap iklan yang di klik oleh pengunjung. Rate untuk saat ini adalah Tiap 1 kali Unik Klik Text Links bernilai : Rp.300
Tiap 1 kali Unik Klik Mini Banner bernilai : Rp.350
Mungkin rate nya terlihat kecil ya, tapi ingat pepatah sedikit-sedikit lama-lama menjadi bukit. Jika pengunjung web kita banyak dan banyak yang mengklik iklan di web kita, bukan tidak mungkin kita akan tercengang dengan nilai yang dihasilkan.
Anda juga dapat mengajak teman-teman anda untuk mendaftarkan juga ke, Apabila mereka bergabung atas rekomendasi anda, maka setiap 1 kali klik dari pengunjung blog mereka, Anda akan mendapatkan 25 Rupiah.
Refferal hanya berlaku untuk level satu saja.

Untuk mendaftar KumpulBlogger silakan klik : cara daftar KumpulBlogger

Selamat mencoba!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hasan having cold

Hasan approaching age 9 months. He is clever crawl and standing by 'rambatan'.
Hasan having cold today, after the fever yesterday. I think this is a symptom of flu. The weather being cold, two days is always cloudy. the wind blow faster.
Hopefully recover quickly. Safakallah

Hasan pilek

Hasan approaching age 9 months. He is clever crawl and standing by 'rambatan'.
Hasan is a cold day, where day after the fever. The weather being cold, two days is always cloudy.
Hopefully recover quickly. Safakallah
Eel-shaped fish is a group similar to the snake in the tribe, including Synbranchidae. This tribe consists of four genera with a total of 20 species. Type-type diperikan are not yet complete, so the figures could be changed. Members are pantropis (found in all tropical regions).

Not vary with sidat, who often exchanged. Fish can be said this does not have a fin, tail fin but also the tereduksi, while sidat still have a clear fin. Is not characteristic of the other is not scaly (or only slightly), you can breathe from the air, gill openings narrow, not have a pool bag and rib. Animals is not practical water land, while most sidat live in the sea even though some are in fresh water. Not most of the eyes does not function properly; species living in a cave on the blind.

Body size varies. Monopterus indicus measuring only 8.5 cm, while the marble Synbranchus marmoratus is not known to reach 1.5 m. Not own a rice field, which is found in rice fields and sold to be eaten, can reach about 1m long (in a language called Betawi MOA).

Most of the eel does not like swimming and prefer to lurk in the mud. All is not pemangsa. Mangsanya list of animal-usually a small animal in the swamp or river, such as fish, frogs, insects, and small krustasea.

The Eel fish is an alternative source of protein. It can be processed into a variety of cuisines, among others eel fried, eel kripik, hot eel, and mangut eel.

Try this one!

Roy Suryo welcome Fatwa Facebook

Roy Suryo welcome Fatwa Facebook

Telecommunications specialist, Roy Suryo Notodiprojo, welcomed the recommendations on the status of scholars Fatwa Islamic law against Facebook and other social networks.

"I do not have the capacity to comment on halal and haram, but I welcomed the recommendation that," he said when contacted from Surabaya, on Tuesday (26 / 5), quoted from Antara.

He invites people to think positive as to the recommendation that efforts to prevent abuse of network facilities.

"I own one of the people injured in the misuse of Facebook. On the internet, there are 26 Facebook in the name of Roy Suryo, but only one of the original, and indeed my own make," he said.

Roy also disclose account belonging Facebook President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who many counterfeit versions appear, but only one of the original.

According to him, in fact the threat of criminal misuse of information technology is set up Law Number 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions.

"The law was already sufficient. But it does not matter if necessary Fatwa again. Only need to have confirmation that the technology is not all bad impact," he added.

He suggested the parties will issue a fatwa that not all social network users should be exposed to the threat of religious law. "I believe, we are experts in more subtle so it does not menggeneralisasi use of social networking is," said Roy.

Nabiel Aaron, Spokesperson Forum Musyawarah Pondok Pesantren Putri (FMPPP) s-eJawa East asserted, had never proposed the government to anyone, including the Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), to issue a fatwa against unlawful Facebook and other social networks.

"Results bahtsul masail` `FMPPP explain only yesterday, that Facebook and other social networking law forbidden, if used excessively, such as activities that can generate orgasm," he said.

He regret telling the media that Facebook and other social networking forbidden. "The conclusion is not simply that. Terus terang, I regret the occurrence of distortion," said Nabiel. (sbh)

the big reason for me not to join Facebook is becaused Facebook support the agression of Israel to Palestine


I suspect this is a symptom mastitis.

according to the literature I 've read, mastitis means inflammation breast. mastitis is usually caused by entry of bacteria, often from the baby's mouth, into the channel through the slit or susu fraction on dry skin. The indication arel: you are very painful, hard, milk, hot, and , and fever in the whole body with cold, even sometimes symptoms only fever and weakness.

according to the literature,if you get 'mastitis' you need medical care immediately. treatment is usually given is bed rest, antibiotics, painfulness, hot and cold compress. not doing mastitis's treatment can caused abses with its symptoms of breast pain is very severe and pulsate, swelling, pain and heat in the press about abses.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Tidur itu memang sarana termurah untuk mengembalikan kebugaran. Terkadang beberapa orang malah harus membayar mahal hanya agar bisa tertidur, sementara yang lain sulit sekali untuk menahan rasa ingin tidur alias ngantukan.
Nah, bagaimana dengan Salma, anakku??
Namanya juga anak-anak, gak peduli di manapun, dlm kondisi seramai apapun klo ngantuk ya tidur aja.
Setelah beberapa kali tertidur di dalam troli belanjaan waktu diajak ke supermarket, tertidur waktu naek motor dan kali itu malah tertidur waktu duduk di WC , hihi hi alias lg pup.
Gak bisa nahan.....

Monday, May 11, 2009

bawang merah untuk mengobati demam dan pilek

Resep tradisional ini didapat secara turun temurun. Ketika anak kita demam atau pilek bisa menggunakan bawang merah untuk pengobatannya, cara nya bawang merah diparut, dicampur dengan sedikit minyak kelapa dan garam (sejimpit), kemudian dioleskan ke seluruh tubuh terutama dada, punggung dan ubun-ubun.
Untuk pilek yang membuat hidung tersumbat, parutan bawang merah tadi ditempelkan di ubun-ubunnya.
Insya Allah bisa membantu.
Dua anak saya kalo sakit demam atau pilek saya coba atasi dulu dengan ramuan tadi dengan catatan selama panasnya tidak di atas 38 derajat dan tidak lebih dari 3 hari insya Allah gak perlu obat-obatan dan gak perlu ke dokter.

selamat mencoba

Sunday, May 10, 2009


welcome in my blog,
let's we share what we can share
and soon :)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

the beginning

as beginner,
of course learn and learn and learn
will be my choice....